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Monday, December 14, 2009

Bandini - Dharamraj now faced with another son

Things start to get more like other hindi serial in the latest twists and turns in this serial. Suddenly everybody is locked into equations of relations, and complications. The major issue in this serial is that Santu is the wife of DM, the head of the house, and it is impossible for her sister to marry Hiten since that would make the relations between the sisters as that of mother-in-law and DIL. So, Khemi marries Arjan and not Hiten, and Hiten finally accepts this.
And then there is the controversy about Moulick not being the son of DM, and being the son of Taru instead. DM cannot accept that he has been lied to for so long, and sends Taru off to live with Kanji. Just when these things are starting to settle down, and Moulick's marriage (not to Khemi) is about to happen, things start moving in the direction that Arjan turns out to be DM's long lost son, and then the equation between Santu and Khemi will be the same again.
In the meantime, Arjan is suspicious of Hiten and tries to kill him, and is just saved in the nick of time. DM refuses to believe that Arjan is his son, and asks for conclusive proof that Arjan is indeed his son, something that nobody can provide (nobody has heard of DNA).

1 comment:

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