Typically, although the show had a lot of antics in the case, and had mistakes in the legal and judicial system in the show, there were not too many seemingly obvious mistakes. However, recent episodes had some major mistakes that seemed worse than what was possible; maybe they had stopped doing any consultation before releasing the show, or even writing the script.
Typically, the show has a sequence where the defense lawyer does a lot of hard questioning, and is then able to upset the main culprit or others, and manages to provoke them to admit to the crime of murder, and the accused manages to be declared innocent. What used to happen in this case was that the judge would declare the accused free, and order the others to be arrested for trial. This is fair, since the case was not against them, and if they are to be accused of murder, they need to have a fair trial against them (this is the sequence, that if A is accused of murder, KD Pathak manages to show that B is the murderer, and then the judge sets A free, and orders the arrest of B).
However, this was broken in a recent case whereby the judge decided to set the accused free, and then, on the basis of some evidence presented by KD, and the admission by the parties, decided to sentence them to life imprisonment. There was no trial, there was no defense lawyer for them, and suddenly they are sentenced to life imprisonment.
In another recent episode, a young child is tried for murder. Now, children are typically not tried for murder in a regular court, and are instead tried in a juvenile court for any crimes they may have committed, since they are not supposed to be responsible enough in terms of maturity to be tried for serious crimes. And yet, here this young boy was, being tried for murder.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Adalat - Mistakes shown in the recent episodes of the show
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/30/2012 07:00:00 PM
Labels: Adalat, Crime, Drama, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Judges, Lawyer, Sony, TV
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Pavitra Rishta - Fate bring back the family members together
Pavitra Rishta is getting back the story after a 18 year leap. Just before the leap, Manav had separated from Archana and there was a gap where they were separate for 18 years, with Savita being the brain behind this separation. However, after the story picks up, there are sequences which seem to bring them closer to each other again.
The main incident is when Manav and DK's company takes over the company where Archana and Purvi were working, and then Arjun, DK's son, decides to fire a number of the people in the company; and then Purvi and Archana call up Manav. This results in a chain of events where Manav comes over to India, and then comes into contact with Archana.
Here, it is as if things have not changed. Even though there has been a lot of dissension between Manjusha and the others, the family still remains in contact with each other. After Punni's affair with her rich boss, the entire family is scandalised, and Vinod is very angry over what has happened; and Manjusha and Vinod decide that Punni needs to get married off as soon as possible. They find a new groom for Punni, who likes Punni and they decide not to tell them anything about Punni's problems in the past. Punni is not happy about the groom, since she wants to get married to a rich guy.
On the other hand, after Manav is shown a divorce paper that Archana is apparently sought to have signed, she denies that she has ever signed a paper; this was also done by Savita through Sachin. Now, Manav is curious to find out about whether this was indeed signed by Archana, or whether she did not sign it as she claimed.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/29/2012 06:59:00 PM
Labels: Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Separation, Serial, Time-leap, TV, Values, Zee
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Parichay - Fight between Richa and Siddhi, and Richa's attempts to trap Kunal
Ever since the sudden marriage of Siddhi and Kunal, after the death of Kunal's brother Anand, the person most impacted was Richa, who was (is) in love with Kunal and could not stand to see Kunal married to somebody else. She believes that the relationship between Kunal and Siddhi is based on a compromise and it will just take a bit of time to ensure that the marriage breaks apart and Kunal will come to her. However, for the past several weeks, she is seeing that Kunal has been changing, coming closer to Siddhi and that makes her worried.
So Richa makes a plan to get Kunal to come closer to her, by setting up Vineet to plan marriage to Richa, which would make Kunal jealous, especially when she could show that Vineet was not the right person for her, and make Kunal feel guilty for getting married to Siddhi.
Siddhi realizes that Richa is playing this game, and confronts her, telling Richa that she will ensure that Kunal never gets close to Richa again. Richa cannot stand the thought that Siddhi, whom she considers as a compromise, is confronting her over Kunal and challenges Siddhi that she will ensure that Kunal remains with Richa and Siddhi learns within the space of a day that Kunal actually loves Richa, and Siddhi is just a compromise.
As a part of this, Richa has invited Kunal for a party and there mixes something in the drink that she has made for Kunal. On the other hand, Kunal is trying to learn more about Vineet, and whatever he learns tells him that Vineet is not the right person for Richa. After some more drama, where the evidence presented by Kunal is shown to be wrong, Vineet breaks off the engagement with Richa, and Richa uses the guilt of that to try and trap Kunal, something that Siddhi also sees. However, it is clear that Kunal now has a lot of feelings towards Siddhi.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/28/2012 12:22:00 PM
Labels: Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Parichay, Serial, TV
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Pavitra Rishta - 18 years later, Archana and Manav meet, just for Manav to talk to her about divorce
Ever since a few months back, the serial showed a sudden turn of events where Savita created the separation between Archana and Manav by poisoning the mind of Manav against the various actions of Archana, and then Archana also doing her bit to further push off Manav; she handed over her baby to Varsha even though there had been incidents in the past and it happened again where Varsha ran off with the baby and Manav eventually blamed Archana for not listening to whatever happened and that she was the reason for the baby getting stolen by Varsha.
Soon after Manav decided to leave for Canada forever, he sent his mother to talk to Archana about whether she wanted to come; big mistake, since he knew that his mother did not like Archana and she did twist facts to state that Archana did not want to leave her family and go to Canada. He decided to go to Canada and not look back and did not try to get in touch with Archana for all these years (seems very impossible, but then this is a Hindi Serial from Balaji - the queen of time leaps in serials).
And then, after 18 years, through a series of twists and turns, the story took a loop with Archana and Manav coming face to face again. And again manipulation is at work, with Manav having been told that Archana had sent him a divorce petition, although the actual signature of Archana on the petition has been forged. This makes Manav angry and he decides to meet Archana to confront her, but even as Archana is denying that something like this happened, Sachu steps in and prevents her from seeing the forged signatures and tells her that they will only talk to her lawyer and nobody else.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/24/2012 11:40:00 PM
Labels: Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Pavitra Rishta, Separation, Serial, TV, Zee
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Uttaran - Unable to disprove that Vansh is fake
Things are getting tricky for Veer and Ichcha. The fake Vansh has the confidence of Mai, who, initially shocked after seeing her dead son, treats him as the real guy even after everybody else refuses to believe him (how can they, since they have seen the real Vansh dead and even cremated him after he died due to the gun shot). All the attempts by Veer do not work, and they show the fake Vansh getting more confident, and demanding that Veer stop whatever he is doing, and that Ichcha is his wife.
Ichcha is very troubled by this, since she was always in love with Veer, and cannot think of again changing her husbands and going back to Vansh (she had also seen Vansh die, and anyhow, who would think of such a thing as changing her husbands when the previously dead husband came back to life).
And then Veer finds out that Vansh is actually a guy called Rocky, with a girlfriend called Ruby. He believes that he has found a way to get rid of the fake Vansh and to prove his falsehood after this news of Ruby. So he talks to Mai, and tells her that he will show the truth of the return of Vansh, while Mai says that if Veer is unable to prove the truth, Veer will have to give the rights of Vansh back to him, which in this case means that Ichcha will have to go back to being the wife of Vansh rather than Veer (seemed extremely strange).
However, when Ruby is brought to the house, she totally denies knowing Vansh / Rocky, and claims that Veer forcibly brought her to the house asking her to make such statements, and that she actually does not know anything.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/23/2012 07:00:00 PM
Labels: Colors, Crime, Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Joint family, Marriage, Second Marriage, Second Wife, TV, Uttaran
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Yeh Rishta Kya Kahlata Hain - Akshara's pregnancy, and the return to the house
The family has been going through some times now for the past several weeks, after some financial dealings caused the family to have to put their house up on the block, and moved out of the house. This caused them a lot of pain, but they bore it without much complaint. In addition, given that Akshara was pregnant again, after she lost her previous baby because of a miscarriage, things were much more careful. The family also did not take the help of their inlaws beyond some minimal amount, although they did stay in Akshara's parents house for a few days while they were searching for a house to stay in.
But, now things seem to be looking up - the baby is almost due, and their business is now looking up, enough that they have managed to get back their house from the bank and have now moved back into the house, a joyous occasion. Now, the festival of Makar Sakranti is fast approaching and the family is planning on how to celebrate, since it also seems that the time of the delivery of Akshara's baby is very close.
Akshara is getting very worried as the pregnancy comes closer to the due date, also worried about the pain that will come at the time of delivery, and not getting a lot of confidence from the elderly women in the house about the pain of delivery.
At the same time, there is a lot of anticipation in the house of Akshara's parents about the impending delivery, with speculation on what will be the exact day of the delivery, and so on; all of them are incredibly anxious about the delivery.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/18/2012 07:27:00 PM
Labels: Drama, family, Hindi, Marriage, Pregnant, Relation, Serial, Star Plus, TV, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
Monday, January 16, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Saas Bin Sasural - Kia wanting to marry Ved because of conditions of the will
The name of the serial, SaaS Bin Sasural sounds a bit strange now. Earlier, the serial was about a house where there are no women, and where the only daughter-in-law had walked out some time back. And then you had the first lady in the house, in the form of Toasty, who after some amount of decision and discussion finally made it into the house. And slowly, over a period of time, after some tension over some items, she even resolves the issues between Malthi and Pashu, and over the objections of Pitaji and Ved, she gets Malthi back into the house and slowly gets people to overcome the objections that they may have.
Now, the biggest test was about the relationship between Ved and Nitika, with Ved determined for some time to believe that he is a bachelor, but finally the rest of the family managed to convince him that he was in love with Nitika, and Ved finally realized his true feelings and decided that marrying Nitika was the one option for him.
And then the disturbance occurred in the form of Kia. Kia was the daughter of a friend of Pitaji, who had recently died; and apparently Chedi had promised Kia's father that he would get Kia married to Ved. Now, Kia is a modern girl, from London, and for her, the concept of such a family, living with conservative ideals, in a house with only one bathroom, was something very different. But, soon the house was shocked to learn that as per Pitaji, Ved would have to marry Kia, and since Pitaji did not know about Nitika, there was no involvement from his side in the concept of the romance between Ved and Nitika.
But there was a lot of thoughts about why Kia would do this, since there was nothing common between her and Ved. But the complication in the entire scene was an atrocious will made by her father, which mandated that Kia would get his money only if she married Ved and stayed married for a year; over which Kia was shocked, but she realized that she would have to win over the members of the household if she wanted her money.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/16/2012 07:00:00 PM
Labels: Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Joint family, Marriage, Relation, Saas Bina Sasural, Serial, TV
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Maryada Lekin Kab Tak - Devyani finally launched divorce proceedings
The show has shown the distances between Brahmanand and his wife Devyani growing over a period of time. This increased when Devyani got to know about the relationship that her husband has formed with her own sister Uttara. She is also very angry at Uttara over what has happened, and cannot understand how Uttara would have formed a relationship with her own brother-in-law, that too when her own sister is there in the household.
Priya is fully supportive of her mother-in-law and so is Brahmanand's father who is also aware of the fact that his son is an evil man, who has betrayed his own wife many times, and who is guilty of numerous other crimes. However, Brahmanand's younger son, Aditya does not know the reality of his father, and so is unable to understand what his mother is doing, and how his own wife Priya is also going against his own father (he still does not know that the attempted molestation of his own wife Priya was also done by his own father).
So now the case is in court, with Brahmanand doing his own case, and he is trying to ensure that he uses all the tactics he knows to twist the facts, to portray himself as the wronged one, the one on whose character there is a taint; and he manages to deny all the accusations so far. This is putting Devyani in a twist, since she wants to avoid calling Uttara, and she has a lot of doubts about calling her own sister on the stage and accuse her of having an affair with her own brother-in-law, but this has now happened and the fact about Uttara has also been put on the stage.
There are a lot of doubts about whether Uttara will indeed admit to the affair in court, and Brahmanand has also threatened her not to do something like this. In addition, Brahmanand seeks to turn the tables on Devyani by accusing her of having an affair with her lawyer.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/14/2012 12:04:00 AM
Labels: Betrayal, Cheating, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Maryada Lekin Kab Tak, Society, Star Plus, TV, Values
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Phulwa - Abhay saves the life of Phulwa when she almost burns to death in the kitchen
The serial shows a huge amount of drama in the serial, typically based very loosely on the initial life of Phoolan Devi, the most famous female dacoit of the Chambal. Similar to Phoolan Devi, Phulwa is from the Chambal region, with a lot of poverty and oppression, and then picks up the gun to avenge the death of family members, inspired by another dacoit. Over the period of time, she grows up, and then comes the presence of the ACP, Abhay into the village, who is searching for the dacoits.
However, things get complicated when Phulwa believes that she has taken her revenge, but in fact, one of her victims is the brother of the ACP, and his father, the Thakur, wants his revenge on Phulwa. So, in a twist, Pulwa gets married to the ACP, and comes to the house of the Thakur as his daughter-in-law.
This is a horrid thought to the Thakur, and he decides that he will take more steps, and does one of the most usual ways shown in Hindi serials (leaving the gas pipe on, so that whoever burns a match will catch fire). However, by this time, Abhay is starting to like Phulwa, and once he sees that she has caught fire, saves her and brings her to the hospital.
His father is astonished that his son has saved Phulwa, and starts poisoning Abhay's mind again, till the time that Abhay says that he did a mistake, and takes a cup and cuts his hand, showing that he has shed the blood which had saved Phulwa. What will happen next ? Phulwa has already been told that her life was saved by Abhay, and that he apparently cares for her.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/10/2012 07:01:00 PM
Labels: Crime, Dacoit, Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Phulwa, Revenge, Serial, TV
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Saubhagyavati Bhava - The story of an abusive husband, who seems ideal outside
Abuse in a marriage is something that happens much more frequently in conservative societies, such as India or in Islamic countries of the Middle east. In such countries, the amount of freedom available to women or ladies is much lower and the husband feels that the woman is more under his control. And as a result, there is a feeling to some degree that the husband is in a superior position and can do what he wants. And when you combine this with the overall position in society such that women not working, having an overall lower stats, it can set the ground very clearly for those men who feel over-jealous of their wife.
This is such a story, and one would have seen some traces of this in a 2007 movie called 'Provoked', starring Aishwarya Rai, based on the story of an Indian lady in the United Kingdom called ' Kiranjit Ahluwalia' who was abused by her husband on a regular basis and got no support from her own family, and who finally burnt her husband to death and went through a long court case to get her freedom from the court case against her.
The story of the serial, 'Dil Se Di Dua - Saubhagyavati Bhava' is on similar lines, with a new marriage. This is supposedly an ideal marriage, with the marriage between Viraj and Jhahnvi. Viraj is seen as a polite and nice man, and thus the marriage is seen as a good marriage. However, unknown to others, and much known to Jhahnvi, Viraj is highly possessive and had a bad childhood; as a result of which, from time to time, he ill-treats Jhanvi, including physically abusing her. She is tremendous shock because of this ill-treatment and is now trying to find a way to escape.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/08/2012 10:54:00 PM
Labels: Abusive, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Husband, Life Ok, Marriage, New Serial, New show, Saubhagyavati Bhava, Society
Hindi TV Serial - Big Boss 5 - Juhi Parmar wins the finale of the Big Boss Season 5
This year's big boss was indeed a spectacle; a lot of people I knew stopped watching it because of the high amount of fights that happened on the show all the time. If the objective of the makers of the serial was to show the possible amount of fights and controversy that could happen, then having the specific characters in the show who would do a lot of fighting was important; in the past, Dolly Bindra had filled that role; in the current series, people such as Akashdeep Sehgal, Pooja Missra, Siddharth, Mehak, and a few others had played that role importantly. The glamour cum controversy quotient was filled to the maximum with the induction of Sunny Leone as a participant; Sunny was controversial since she had acted in adult / porn movies for many years now and hence to have such a participant was interesting and controversial.
The overall participant list for the serial was:
Shakti Kapoor, Pooja Bedi, Shonali Nagrani, Nihita Biswas, Shraddha Sharma, Mandeep Bevli, Raageshwari, Vida Samadzai, Mahek Chahal, Sonika Kaliraman Malik, Pooja Misrra, Gulabo Sapera, Laxmi Narayan, Juhi Parmar, Amar Upadhyay, Siddharth Bhardwaj, Akashdeep Saighal
alias "Sky", Swami Agnivesh, Sunny Leone, Andrew Symonds, and Yamamotoyama
Towards the end, Sunny Leone was the last contestant to be evicted from the show; and then the final episode of the show was where the decision would be taken on who won the show. So, we had 4 people in the show at the finale - Siddharth, Mehek, Sky, and Juhi. Sid and Sky were evicted, leaving Juhi and Mehek in the show; and then the hosts, Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan finally announced that Juhi was the winner.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/08/2012 07:53:00 PM
Labels: Big Boss, Competition, Contest, Contestants, Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Reality Show, Serial, TV
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Pavitra Rishta - 18 years later, Archana and Manav meet
The serial took a time leap at a very strange time, when Manav and Archana separated from each other. Manav was very angry with Archana since he blamed her for the loss of Soham, who Varsha had run away with and then jumped into a water body when she was found. Soon after, Manav left for Canada along with his family, and when Savita was told to ask Archana whether she wanted to go, Savita played her own game and did not ask Archana. As a result, Manav believed that Archana did not want to do with him, and Archana believed that Manav did not take her, and neither really tried to get in touch with each other over the years.
The story resumed 18 years later, and by that time, the twin daughters that Manav and Archana had grown up into 2 young teenagers, one more strong-willed and the other more like a regular girl. So far there is no trace of Varsha and Soham. In addition, Archana, never had re-married, and found a young kid, had taken her to her house and raised her as Purvi. They remain middle class.
One of Manav's daughter is in love with Arjun, the son of DK and Aashna. Arjun is more strong-headed, and wants to play a role in the business. He starts getting involved in the takeover of a company in India, and that is the company where Archana works. And this is the point where Archana and Manav meet. Arjun wants to terminate a large number of workers in the Indian company, and when there are some protests, Manav comes there and rescinds the termination notice, more so, when he comes face to face with Archana.
On the other hand, Manjusha and Vinod are facing more problems. Their daughter Punni, having seen the morals of her mother Manjusha is getting out of hand, like when she had an affair with her rich boss, and when her family gets to know, they are scandalised and lock her up in a room. Punni blames Purvi for this, since it was Purvi who revealed the truth.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/06/2012 06:02:00 PM
Labels: Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Pavitra Rishta, Relation, Romance, Separation, Serial, TV
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Bade Acche Lagte Hai - Fun and games with Santa, but very serious about Natasha
The serial has suddenly got more serious about the issues related to Natasha and her pregnancy. For some time now, infact before her marriage, Natasha knew that she was pregnant, and so did her mother, but they wanted to ensure that the marriage happened, so the marriage proceeded, and so did the pregnancy, and nobody at her inlaws place got to know, nor did her husband. He did find her health a bit uncertain, and so did once directly ask, and she lied to him that she was not pregnant.
Natasha was very uncertain about the pregnancy, whether she is ready for it, and whether she is in the right frame of mind for it, and after some more experiences, she was getting to be an emotional wreck; having decided that she did not want to have the pregnancy, she went ahead and got an abortion. But she did not tell anybody about the abortion either.
But, things got revealed. First, she developed bad blood with her sister in law, who did a bit of snooping and who got confirmation that Natasha is indeed pregnant, and who informed the rest of the family about it. They were all over-joyed, not knowing that she has terminated the pregnancy. Only Natasha was very afraid about what to tell all of them, and did not tell anybody. But this news is also coming out, with her younger sister-in-law finding out about this, and then finally Priya also finding out. Natasha remains arrogant, so we will see a confrontation between her and Priya, related to whether her brother will listen to her words, or that of Priya's husband.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/05/2012 06:08:00 PM
Labels: Bade Acche Lagte Hai, Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Serial
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Diya Aur Bati Hum - Sandhya's truth out, getting blamed for everything
In a Hindi serial, if one of the positive characters has a secret, you can be sure that the secret will be revealed such that they will end up getting blamed for everything. In the current situation, although Sandhya has not revealed so that she is much more educated than Sooraj or the rest of the family (while they consider her to be educated upto the 7th standard); her secret is getting revealed by the newspaper (she came 3rd overall in Rajasthan), and hence her secret is getting revealed.
Sandhya was looking for some time for the opportunity to tell Bhabho, but somehow the occasion was not happening, and then the truth comes out in the worst possible fashion. Other ladies from the community see it, and using this as an opportunity to embarrass Bhabho, they come to the house, apparently to congratulate her for having such a highly educated bahu. At around the same time, Bhabho realizes that Sandhya does not know much of cooking (when Sandhya takes cut ladyfinger and tries to make a curry out of them).
Seeing the opportunity, Meena uses the chance to get some of her revenge, adding to the pressure on Sandhya by suggesting that Sandhya had hidden this fact deliberately from everybody, and in fact, since the complaint against Bhabho was made by somebody who was educated, it was done by Sandhya.
Sandhya is left trying to defend herself, with nobody listening to her, and even the ones who she thought would be on her side also saying that they are not sure as to what to believe, and what not to believe; Sooraj also seems to be on the same side.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/04/2012 06:48:00 PM
Labels: Deceive, Diya Aur Bati Hum, Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Marriage, Relation, Serial, Star Plus, TV
Monday, January 2, 2012
Hindi TV Serial - Parichay - Marriage between Rohit and Raveena is broken up at the temple
The situation is getting serious. Raveena's marriage has been fixed with Vikram, who is positively besotted with her, and she did not say no to the marriage. The complication is that she has fallen in love with Rohit, the brother of Richa Thakral. Now, Rohit is a positive flirt, and everybody else in the family is aware of his reputation, and would never have wanted Rohit to come anywhere near Raveena. Richa knows about this, but since she keeps on looking for ways to bring distances between Kunal and Sidhi, she does not say anything (and of course, no one would ever say that Richa was trying to do good in the serial).
Sidhi comes to know of a relationship between Raveena and Rohit, and is shocked, but she holds back telling others in the family (even though Kunal suspects that she is hiding something) when Raveena convinces her that she has nothing to do with Rohit, and it was only rohit was after her. So, things move ahead.
Things get critical on the day of the wedding, where Raveena and Siddhi go to the parlour even though Gaurav objects; from the parlour, Raveena makes her escape along with Rohit and they decide to go to a temple where Rohit has arranged everything for a wedding. After a lot of hunt, Kunal and his family locate Raveena and Rohit before the pheras can be completed, and Kunal starts hitting Rohit; they also drag Raveena from there and take her back home, unsure of what to do now.
Rohit is all the more shocked when Richa, who has reached there, also slaps him. He accuses her of acting only for her own regard, and not letting his marriage happen; and such a claim of selfishness from her own brother is shocking to Richa. At the house, when Siddhi is accused of knowing about things, Kunal stands up for her and tells that he is sure that she cannot be guilty of letting them elope.
Posted by
Ashish Agarwal
1/02/2012 06:29:00 PM
Labels: Colors, Drama, family, Hindi, Hindi Serial, Hindi TV Serial, Joint family, Marriage, Parichay, Relation, Serial, TV